Do you work at a studio that doesn’t have carpet or wall covering where noise and music reverberates off the walls?
I have older clients who have some hearing issues and this background noise interferes with their ability to hear me when I am teaching.
Also, music can get in the way of concentration on the exercises. Passive music in a studio is soothing Big Band or Broadway sounds can inhibit feeling the moves or hearing cues.
Talking creates a whole other dynamic. If the teachers carry on a running conversation with their clients about shopping, lunch etc. others in the studio might not want to return for their lessons. I love a more meditative approach to Pilates which will set this method apart from gym workouts.
Hearing and feeling breath work as clients pace themselves through the workout just adds to the deep feelings Pilates gives. When the teacher has to bend over and whisper cues and exercises in their client’s ear you know the noise levels is too much.
Be sensitive to the environment around you in the studio whether it’s others or you causing the sound factor to increase.
Tip of the Day: Does your neck hurt? Maybe your head is growing out of your chest instead of sitting on the cylinder called your neck. Look at your posture. Sit and Stand tall-Good Posture Becomes You.