Let’s start the new year off right by strengthening the core or the deep abdominals. We have crunch muscles (rectus abdominis), wrap-around-your-body muscles (transversus abdominis) and obliques (like placing your hands in a jacket pocket muscles). If you want a six pack (not to drink but to show off) then you need to do crunches like our snowman. But if you want to strengthen your back, then you need to work your transverse abs. These muscles, which wrap like a cinch from front to back, are the real core muscles that give you a waistline, keep your chest from falling to your hips, keep you from getting stenosis [Ed: narrowing of the spinal canal] and from overusing your neck muscles. Ok, you say; I am ready to have a slim waist, strong abs and back, stand tall and not use my neck muscles. How do I go about this undertaking? Plank, Plank and more Plank!
The following pictures begin with the easiest plank then evolve to more difficult plank positions. The reason the plank is so important is that more abdominal core muscle fibers are used than in any other position.
Hold all positions for a count of 10 to 20, rest and repeat 5 times.
Picture #1- is a plank against a wall
Picture #2 – is quadruped (on hands and knees) with right arm and left leg extended. Change arm and leg, do 5 on each side.
Picture #3 – is bent knee pushup position
Picture #4 – is bent knee side pushup position
Picture #5 – is full pushup position
Picture #6 – is full side balance
You can do one, two or all of the exercises. Feel how your deep abs turn on to support each movement. Pull in on your navel as you exhale and hold plank. Do the exercises every day if possible and watch to see how strong you become. Your pickleball hitting will be stronger, your endurance better and you will play back-pain free.