My Physical Therapist specializes in my kind of problems. Each week he has me doing brain tests, which I have failed every week. Here’s one of the tests: Stand on a stability pillow while shaking my head yes. Watch letters and numbers flash on a colorful screen and say what flashes on the screen. I could say a few numbers and letters but I would space out part of the way through. I could see something but could not say what I saw. How disconcerting. It was explained I have a disconnect between my eyes and my inner ear. Each week I take new tests. Each week I struggle with them. Hopefully, it will get better sooner rather than later.
My PT says this will take some time. He gave me things to do at home. Moving my head left and right or up and down makes me dizzy but jarring at a spot on the wall takes the dizziness away. He said I need to be patient this could take up to six months. I’m very lucky to be where I am so far. Patients is not one of my virtues. The best I can be is impatiently patient. More to come……