Remember when you first flew on Southwest Airlines without a reserved seat? I just stood there trying to decide which seat I should sit in. This happened several times until I chose my permanent unreserved seat and that was the seat I chose every time I flew Southwest. Whew what a relief.
My friend text me last week suggesting at 70 we should sell everything and move to the Bahamas. “Why not”, she said. We are free to go anywhere. Ah, yes, that familiar Southwest emotion waved through my body. Free to go anywhere. No children, commitments, responsibilities, nothing to keep us here or anywhere. Total Freedom! After practicing saying good-bye to everything I own and all my friends, I took a mental trip to Belize not the Bahamas (too many hurricanes). Wow, what a freeing feeling, walking on a beach, grocery shopping at a little neighborhood market, eating native foods at a local eatery. I think I can do this. I want to do this.
I’m going to email the tourist bureau to see if they have Pickleball or Pilates, maybe I can start both there. Wait a minute. I’m taking my life with me, not good. I should be starting a new life. This is going to take more work on my part to allow myself Total Freedom. This could be more difficult than I thought. A work in progress…..
Tip of the day: Stand in the doorway and measure how tall you can be. GOOD POSTURE BECOMES YOU.