Written by RetroFit™ Pilates RX
Email Barbara, the “Carrie Bradshaw” of the Boomers with your “seniorhood” stories.
Thank you to everyone who emailed their concerns for my process to wellness. My injury has not shown up recently so I continue to exercise every day but include a rest program and ice every day.
I bet you haven’t heard this term before. The definition of gym sedentary is you go to the gym, work out 30 to 60 minutes then sit the rest of the day. I have been in a contest at work having to wear a step counter every day for a month. Our competition is all the other clubs in the contest. Since I am a type A of course I took this contest very seriously. I consulted my stepper all day long to see my activity level. The goal is to do 10,000 steps or more a day every day for the month or forever (oh my)!
The realistic facts are right there in front of you on a daily basis. You cannot get away from the truth. You thought you were fit and you thought moved around a lot until you wear the stepper. Then you really discover you are a slug in fitness clothes. You have been kidding yourself for years. I spoke to a woman who has become addicted to her stepper. Her family gives her grief because she doesn’t go anywhere without it. Me either! I get dressed up at night to go out for a nice dinner and I hide the stepper under my outfit. Heaven forbid I should miss out on any steps.
Since i am supposed to modify my working out because of my back issue then at least I want to keep my motor running all day by staying upright and active and get my 10,000 steps. Even if this is written tongue in cheek (but totally true), I do recommend getting one of these doodads and puingt it on (if you have the nerve). The truth is often difficult but effective. “They” are stating you need to be standing on your bones at least 2-4 hours a day to keep your bones strong. How long are you upright and active every day?
Next month I will have the results of the contest.
See Barbara at the HayHouse/Balboa Press I CAN DO IT! CONFERENCE in Pasadena, October 14-16th. She will be speaking about her book “Fighting Gravity” and doing a book signing.
Follow Barbara’s speaking tour on Bone Health/Osteoporosis on her web site. She can speak at your organization’s conference or any club meeting. Please contact her directly 310-913-3333