I am going to retire after this season. Since I am forced to partially retire in June because my business is seasonal, you would think this would be an easy decision. Just think of all that free time to nap and do whatever you want. Think of not having to spend hours on the phone coordinating Pilates and Pickleball lessons. Think about not being the go to person when someones back goes out or the golfer who needs a fitness plan. I’m thinking about the income stream that won’t be coming in.
I equate my situation with those who have empty nest syndrome. Great, the kids have moved out. Peace and quiet finally.
Then reality sets in. Maybe peace and quiet isn’t what it’s cut out to be. I have worked since I was 18 years old. I always taught something. Now what, when I quit work. Yeek!
I guess retirement becomes the new job. Make a bucket list. Wash your own car. Clean the garage. Stop and smell the roses a lot. Do Words with Friends, ebooks to read, find new apps. WOW, I haven’t even retired yet and I am swamped with stuff to do. Hmmm, this might work out alright after all.
P.S. I am wearing my Boston Marathon medal in honor of those who were there today.
Tip of the day: Drop your shoulders, elongate your neck. Don’t wear your shoulders like earrings. Great posture becomes you.